Monday, June 22, 2009

cloth diaper review

i promised a review so here it is

3 thirsties diaper covers ($35 from ebay incl. shipping)
24 unbleached indian prefolds ($47 from sew crafty incl. shipping)
1 bumgenius all in one ($18)
1 roll of kushies flushable biodegradable diaper liners ($10)
phosphate free laundry detergent ($8)

would i recommend these to a friend:
yes to the thirsties diaper covers+prefolds. no to the bumgenius and kushies liners

won't fill up landfills
easier to change (i can do it while z's standing up)
laundering doesn't require harsh chemicals like i originally thought
no more walking by trashcans filled with old barfy smelling diapers
poop just plops off into the toilet and can be flushed
ziggy seems fine, no rashes or complaints from him

really bulky
have to launder these every 2-3 days or else you'll smell pee
bulky to carry around in your purse and you need a plastic bag to hold the dirty prefold
have to change these more often (around every 2 hours)

overall i'm happy i switched and i wish that i had done it sooner. i heard the hemp liners are less bulky while absorbing well but they also cost more.

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