Tuesday, May 29, 2012

siguy 5 weeks

balding and putting on the chunk.


piggy found a skull shaped rock and he's going to paint it as such.

days a blur

don't know what i've been doing the past month

Friday, May 25, 2012

1 month

it's already been a whole month since simon was born. he's getting chunky.

wedding at school

the kids had a fake wedding at school. zigs wanted to marry his school buddy, anderson. he's really got his heart set on john's girlfriend emily though.

caviar bringer

shana came over on tuesday and brought me caviar. it scared us! we opened the jar and the caviar was so black with a translucent greenish tint. It was dry and looked like clusters of hard spider eggs. we put some on a cracker and they rolled off so we got out some soft cheese. the caviar stained the soft cheese a bloody red color which scared us even more the outer shell was so thick that each little caviar ball was accompanied by a really loud pop. later, we ran errands and in the car shana noticed her pointer finger and thumb were stained red. she sniffed and said it smelled like an old recorder. scary.

Monday, May 21, 2012

head shape

mark and i noticed that if we put a squishy pillow under simon's head he doesn't mind laying down! otherwise, we have to hold him all day long. i think his long head shape was making it uncomfortable for him to rest on his back.


zig is such a sweet older brother. but lately he's been so weepy and doesn't even know why. i think he's adjusting to sharing our attentions with a baby. it's hard and a little boring for a 4 year old to become an older brother, mom and dad understand, but you're doing a great job at it.

family time

look at my beautiful boys. i still get a little sad to think i won't have a girl but then i see moments like this and i'm alright with that.

Friday, May 18, 2012


a neat gift from uncle john.

drawing reading writing

he's getting really into drawing, reading and writing. today we wrote a letter to john and walked to the post box to mail it. he wanted to write that he learned about rhyming at school. he said cat, hat, mat, bat, fat all rhyme but when he saw how many letters he'd have to write, he decided to just write his name and trace his hand instead. he wants to read so he can play harder video games.

3 weeks

geez, time flies! i'm supposed to tummy time simon. i forgot all the baby development stages already. he's been putting on the chunk and has been kind of grumpy this whole week but sometimes he just lays there and looks into your eyes and coos and you forget about all the crying. babies are magic!

pink eye

have had to keep ziggy away from other kids and from his little brother. and he's not a fan of the eyedrops. he's been pretending to be spiderman and i have to pretend to be ziggy. i have to role play all day long, it can get taxing. "whoa, spiderman, did you web the ceiling again?"

Sunday, May 13, 2012

first bath

belly button scab fell out last thursday at 2 weeks so we gave simon his first bath today. no pees or poos but he was not happy.

relaxing mother's day

we lazed around today, i dusted my house, ate heart shaped pancakes ala mark, moby dick's then a salad bar. a nice relaxing mother's day.

for zig

Personalize funny videos and birthday eCards at JibJab!

happy mother's day!

i love my mom.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

too fast

time is already flying by! i miss my slow flowing ziggy honey days.


i tried to narrow these down to 3 shots but i just can't!

baby bed

shana has decreed herself simon's personal baby bed.


shanimal with a chip on her shoulder.

Thursday, May 10, 2012


ziggy's 1st preschool class. love!!

morning family bed

simon is 2 weeks now. he's 1 oz shy of being his birth weight. he loves to be held and he eats really well and makes many pees and poops a day. zi is still an amazing brother and hasn't become disenchanted yet. mark and i are lacking sleep but we're holding up.