Thursday, May 26, 2011


my garden is flourishing. the squash leaves are taking over. one plant that i previously thought was a weed turns out to be mulberries!

Monday, May 23, 2011


i love this guy!

Thursday, May 19, 2011


new favorite thing ever. soap. i did enjoy smelling nice soap while i was pregnant, is there a connection?

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


ziggy cried so hard when we arrived to work today, he broke everyone's heart. my mom couldn't bare it so she took him to mcdonald's to get some treats. i think ziggy was scheming.


went to dc yesterday and visited some museums. ziggy face planted so hard, it was sad to see him so verticle with his rice cracker smashed across the pavement. he scraped his nose, elbow and knee and was in a bad mood for a while afterwards. luckily shana was there and she went to the car to get the magical neosporin spray that makes everything better.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


happy late birthdays to hana (31) and karen (30) who shared a birthday on may 9th. love you folks.

Friday, May 13, 2011



likes the helmet more than bike riding. he wore it all day today and we got some strange looks at the garden center.


sometimes i miss cosleeping with ziggy.


have been looking for these since his birthday and found some yesterday!

rolling down hills

note to self: put on long sleeves next time to prevent grass cuts.

Sunday, May 08, 2011

happy mother's day

woke up, asked ziggy to make me waffles, strawberries and coffee and he told me he can't since he's just a boy so mark made them for me instead. mark planted me a an okame cherry blossom tree in my backyard. we had a picnic lunch on a blanket outside when we heard an ice cream truck pass by our street, mark ran to the front and flagged it down and got me a chipwich and ziggy a spiderman ice cream. we sat on the sidewalk and ate it. then we drove to my mom's house where shana made us a delicious feast. happy mother's day indeed! in the pictures above, ziggy is showing mom a stick dipped in chocolate, then a stick dipped in chocolate disappearing.

yo mama

enjoy this rad song.

Friday, May 06, 2011

Hole - Violet

nothing like old hole. courtney love in the peak of her career with that voice and kinderwhore style. love this song too.

Wednesday, May 04, 2011

grandpa hand

so sad, mark's granddad past away. the funeral was this past tuesday and mark flew out for a couple days to join his mom in colorado for the ceremony. his grandpa was 90 and was a great carpenter, he built the adorable rocking chair and the mini kitchen cabinets we have in our home. he had quite the collection of bow ties. also in his collection, some awesome original native american weapons his mother had found on her hikes in colorado and many of these native american blankets. i wish ziggy and i went but the tickets were outrageous. i love grandpa hand's home, it's so americana.

veggie garden

mark built me this great veggie planter. this is the 1st stage, eventually there will be 3 tiers altogether. I've planted tomatoes, brussel sprouts, zuchinni, a couple korean veggies, banana peppers and bell peppers. the 2nd tier will have herbs and the 3rd tier will be a lettuce bar.

preschool party

we went ziggy's preschool party. it turned out to be a fundraiser but ziggy had so much fun and we came home with 4 crafts! he won't sit and do crafts with me but he was very focused at the party.


currently really into spiderman. we won him a stuffed spidey at the arcade. he doesn't even mind bug bites since it makes him seem like peter parker. favorite song right now: paranoid/black sabbath. when i put him to bed a couple nights ago, he told me i was soft and beautiful and the pillow he was holding was cold and comfy. he also told me nomi is pretty.


here's ziggy's nap station at my mom's shop. his legs looked so long this day, i can't believe how much he's growing, he's above my waist now and he's only 3 but i guess that's not that hard to beat since i'm a short hobbit.


mark and i took ziggy to the arcade and i don't think i've ever seen him so excited. afterwards we went to baskin robbins where they were having 31 cent scoop day. i have never seen such mayhem before, a lady with a mustache licking her scoop then asking the guy behind the counter to pile up more scoops on her waffle cone. oink! and another lady with one eye geeking out over the cheap ice cream.

building museum

we haven't gone in a while. nomi and ziggy almost seem too old for the kids zone, they had more fun running around in the large open space and looking at the water fountain.


sorry for the lag in updates, my computer is running low on memory and i haven't had the time to dump my stuff onto a hard drive. a lot has happened and the updates are coming soon. 8 posts in one month, yikes, that's the lowest number of updates in a month since this blogs' existence!