Monday, January 31, 2011

the kitten book

read to you by ziggy teare.

Friday, January 28, 2011

happy birthday mom!

i love love love you! i can't believe you're turning 19 again.


finally! power back from the worst snowstorm ever. i've never seen a thunder/lighting storm with snow. the sky was turning blue, green and purple. ziggy and i were waiting in the dim light of his lite bright for mark to get home. he was in traffic for 3 hours and finally ditched the car and walked 2 miles to get to us. there was a black fly buzzing around in the dark, i thought it was the end of days. we woke up in the cold and headed over to my mom's house which did not lose power. there were cars abandoned on 495.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Monday, January 24, 2011

soup boy

ziggy is a total soup junky. his favorite is bone soup. this is a miso soup that i made him, i love when he likes his soup so much, he has to pick up the bowl and slurp.

bath burrito

here's our little bath burrito. we have to slather him with aquaphor, his eczema is terrible this year and it keeps him up at night scratching! he says "it's scratchy mommy."


we've found a preschool for ziggy! we were hoping the one a block away from our house would be a good fit, but after visiting ecc, we thought this would be a better fit for ziggy. he loved it and can't wait to begin school. now look at mark's chin/jaw, what's going on there?

banana gram

knock knock who’s there? banana! banana who? banana split so ice creamed!

cold out

it's been really freaking cold outside lately. i put up curtain rods and curtains in our home and it's helped keep that nasty draft out so that our home can stay nice and cozy.

Friday, January 21, 2011

root beer

ziggy loves root beer. he also idolizes his uncle john.


our friend nomi is growing up! she turned 3 last week.


this is his bed at the store.


we've been to two museums lately, his favorite was the skeleton exhibit at the natural history museum when we went with hana last week. and the rainbow at the hirschhorn.

get it ziggy!

even mom's were attacking the box of instuments at the toddler library time. eventually ziggy grabs an instrument.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


i think ziggy looks kind of like paul sorvino. what do you think? (and i look kind of like samuel l jackson...see natasha?)

Saturday, January 01, 2011

happy new year!

as happy as a puppy indeed! happy 2011!