Monday, September 29, 2008

social butterfly

here's ziggy mingling with a giant monkey.

mill valley

we went to a cute toy store in mill valley yesterday. he sat in this baby arm chair and bounced on a bunk bed that costs more than our house.


karen tai calls ziggy 'the fatness'


Saturday, September 27, 2008

cat/mouse ears

i bought these ears at a thrift store, they were labeled as cat/mouse ears.

activity center

his new activity center

Friday, September 26, 2008

crib update

so mark and i have been vigilant about the pu/pd method by the baby whisperer and it's working great!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

9 years

mark and i have been together for 9 long years today!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


here are some old pictures of ziggy. his first car ride home and also the day he was born. he went to his 6 month check up today. he is in the 92% for weight, 88% for height and 50% for head size. i can't believe how fast he's growing. it's hard to even remember when he was only 7 lbs. 12 oz.

Friday, September 19, 2008


ziggy is just learning to sleep on his own, in his own crib. this is all new to him since he's been napping and sleeping in our bed with us for the past 6 months (and nursing on top of that, what a recipe for disaster). we're using the baby whisperer's pickup/put down method. it seems to be working pretty well even though there are a lot of tears. we're on the 3rd day and he's napped in his crib without crying at all twice today so far! progress, woo hooo! here is a picture of ziggy and his 'lovey' perry.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

pioneer park

ziggy and i go to this park every thursday. he's starting to enjoy swinging.


look at the playpen mark set up for ziggy. i wish i could fit in there too.


sorry for the scary picture, it was challenging trying to get a shot of these. ziggy grew his first two teeth on sunday. he's growing so fast!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

even more karim photos

these were too cute, i had to post them as well.

Monday, September 15, 2008

ziggy monster

i was super excited when karim biri said he would snap some pictures of ziggy for us. i've always loved his photography. here are just a few he took that day. the adorable monster doll and matching sweater were made with love by the talented knitter, michele spremich.

mett face reading

i learned about micro expressions on npr this morning. here's a site where you can take the test which i got a measly 40% on. you need to click on the 'start demo' button.

Sunday, September 14, 2008


here's a picture of rachel wearing ziggy's ghost bib. it looks like he wants it back.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

middle sister

kind of random but check out this wine! It's a wine about Hana, Shana and me.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

special bond

i honestly think kira and ziggy share a special bond. look how happy and comfortable he is on kira's lap. kira has natural maternal qualities to her. amazing!

kira and hugo

today ziggy met up with his french buddies kira and hugo.

ziggy, 1976. i stole this post from shannon's awesome site. you can make one too, just follow this link!

Monday, September 08, 2008


hana made these disturbing images. she said the sun image is from teletubbies and the other one is an anne geddes wannabee. which one do you think is scarier?

fav-o blankie

our favorite blankie.


he's wedged in the couch.

close up

face close ups. weeee!